Back in the innocent days of, say, ’18, I thought to compile an index of Walter’s expansive library as its tomes and I commenced our brisk footrace towards that Great Pulpyard in the Sky.
Then came the more sober days of, say, ’19, when I realized that bright BookBuddy (TM) idea was… just not gonna pan out.
Next, the somewhat embittered-yet-still-pathetically-hopeful days of, say, ’21, when I thought: “Hey! — I’ll just photograph all the spines! Brilliant!”
Probably don’t have to tell you how far that plan went.
So in a deflated '25, with the Pulpyard ever closer, ^ ^ uh * * ... I guess ~ ~ … here are a few pics:
One small shelf over one small desk in one small room of one small home.
It’s as Walter left it, save for a single subsequent addition ... which you guys should spot in a flash, right? 🤠
[another random detrital miniature, posted earlier, is here]

Thank you 🩶
Maybe another excuse for a (NOT) tacky giveaway …
Cynics Lexicon 🩶