Don’t know about you all out there…but here in still high-risk Maui County, some wan and pandemic-weary widowladies are starting to creep out to a few select brick and mortar retail establishments, roll the cart back up the aisle, and scour the rows for CDs, kitty litter, and hypoallergenic soap. Now what aisle is the morphine in again? Oh yeah, right here next to the ladies Depends.
It sort of makes you wanna dance….or not. Depends on what you see when you first walk up
BTW, the musician/artist “melodysheep” is fucking awesome — his early “Symphony of Science” remixes were early favorites of ours; Walter was especially taken with one of the first: The Carl Sagan vid/tune below. He played it for everybody — and was just impressed to the shits with the the musicality of the choices and the techniques that yielded these great results (I mean, check out that baseline! the breakdown! as just a few examples). I’m guessing most of you Beckerphiles can get why he thought they were pretty impressive.
Also BTBTW, this one figured prominently in Walter's playlist of his last weeks and days. . We found it truly awe-inspiring. (Yes, Sagan sounds like Kermit the Frog. Adds to the charm, we thought). Thank you, melodysheep
I urge you to check out his other remixes. Amazing stuff.
And hey -- retail or the stats and understand that the spread and ICUs and deaths among the unvaccinated are almost as high as they were for the whole country during the worst of it last fall. [viz]. That's what we call a bimodal distribution, folks. And continued spread means more variants that could come for us all someday soon. So...get and stay safe out there everybody!
Hi. I love his songs, even pulled out some old records recently and had a lot of fun listening to them. I want to make a little video cut to this music. Really I have no experience in this, is there any easy way? Will this app help me?