At Madison Square Garden last week, the Marxist Woke Mob — aka judges of the Westminster Dog Show — perpetrated a heinous, inexcusable injustice on all Goodest Boys and Bestest Girls everywhere.
They’d have you believe their judges “compare each individual to the breed’s ideal, not each other” and quack quack blah blah blah...
… but no amount of quasi-eugenic gaslighting can obscure the simple fact: Mercedes was ROBBED of the Top Honor to which she was obviously entitled
I mean, just look at this quintessential GS low-rider glide
… and this majestic stack!

It’s a scandal, alright. And oh — who really believes that so-called “Top Dog” Monty’s color is just a coincidence, hmmmm? I’m no dupe; Best in Show was a DEI hire.
We here at WBM — well, one of us anyway— have submitted a strongly-reasoned “send your report of fraud or corruption” form online via the DODGY website interface — which was helpfully left unsecured so that any visitor could push their own content onto the server. (Pro Tip: if you want to do the same but it starts scrolling some nuke codes or a few hundred million medical records, just smash [Fn+F12] a few times).
But my point is this — we must immediately rip out wrong-headed thinking and practice root and stem — or we’ll soon find the whole world is laffing at us. Again.
Now who’s a Good Girl?

Of course this has nothing to do with personal history whatsoever


Cheeses Haytch Kryist.....I miss you D
Preaching to the choir!