... but She could use a lot of help right now

WBM policy says “No Politics”.
Luckily this post is not about the P-word
It is about addressing the unimaginable suffering of an obscene and growing humanitarian crisis.
It’s already unthinkably horrible.
It’s going to get a lot worse.
While there are many “Ways To Help” lists are out there, we’ve selected a basic collection from The Washington Post, which has removed its paywall so that anyone can view it.
How To Help The People of Ukraine
Edit: For those who wish to do a deep dive into charitable organizations and initiatives before giving, I highly recommend Charity Navigator, the data-driven nonprofit evaluator I personally use for my annual planned charitable donations. They even facilitate donations across multiple organizations with a single checkout via the "Giving Basket" interface. Their page for the Ukraine humanitarian crisis is here.

Слава Україні
Віруй та молися
Spasibo, have donated humanitarian aid & will be continuing to. The Permasqueeze has UKR roots. Take care & keep the faith.