Yes yes we know and you know; nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
Still, something must be in the wind tonight, blowing our way, as it did, two mighty jolts of historical Hz, crackling.
I. A Gig Anniversary
Hard Core Beckerphiles know the date:
April 7, 1995.
That makes it 24 years today since
Adam Rogers (Guitar)
Fima Ephron (Bass)
Ben Perowsky (Drums)
John Beasley (Keyboards) and
Bob Sheppard (Sax)
joined Walter for the first and last live gig of his "new music" from
the 11 Tracks of Whack era at Slim's, in San Francisco.
For roughly 23 of those years, it was presumed that no record
of the evening existed. But Lo, in amongst the stacks of DATs
and cassettes we found a great-sounding recording by Dave Russell,
engineer extraordinaire -- still in good condition and sounding pretty great.
So to mark the date, we've dropped a cut from that rainy San Francisco evening:
Cinder Annie, which was the last song of the evening before his encore.
So to our resident show-goers, count off please;
What’s the delta between what you hear on this tape and how you remember it in vivo?
II. A Classic Web Thread
By coinkidink or by quantum entanglement, one of us (D-Mod) also found
herself running smack up against the classic Hall Of Fame thread --
Countdown to Infamy -- on the archive site.

I must have read or sampled this thread dozens of times since its publication and
knew well why it was a classic.
Or so I thought.
People I swear that reading through the whole thing -front to back -- opening every entry, following every link -- produced more chuckles, spit-takes, and belly laughs than I remember having in years, taken together.
You think you remember why it was so funny, and so great --- but you don't.
If you give yourself 30 minutes with this thing, you'll see all you've forgotten. Many of us bemoan that Becker didn't write, He was so talented. Well, he did write, and this short story is among his finest work.
Today I really needed lifting up, I really needed something to lighten
something that was pinning me down...and I found it. That's why I'm
pestering you all with this personal review; maybe I'm not the only
one who needed this kind of lift tonight.
Did anyone revisit the archive site ? Did anyone find
something they had forgotten there?
By the way, Hello to Keith Richardson.. It's Really Great to know that you're
Out There.. Walter Becker appreciation is Always welcome.. Please join us
whenever the mood strikes you.. No judgements, Very little of Anything..
Loving this Music is the only requirement.. Thank you Brother.. Hope to
hear from you Soon...
Actually, please grace us with Any Damn Track You Like.. This is not a group of Complainers.. Also, Hello Everybody.. Hope that you are all doing well..
Love, and Great Music is what keeps us Alive...
I was just sitting here listening to my playlist of Walter Becker rarities, when I realized it's been 2 years since we were last graced with a "Live at Slim's" track (Cinder Annie from April 2019) and just a handful of days past the anniversary of that wonderful show. So, how about another taste? Whaddya think? ...and, if I might be so bold to make an appeal for 'This Moody Bastard'? :-)
That makes it 24 years today since
Adam Rogers (Guitar)
Fima Ephron (Bass)
Ben Perowsky (Drums)
John Beasley (Keyboards)
and Bob Sheppard (Sax)
And was it Frank Perlank (sp)?
Funny you should mention the Countdown to Infamy set of posts, as I was just reading through them (again) the other day. The one that really gets me every time? The "Sadder But Wiser" letter to Kawai. It's such a gem - every little thing about it.
Thank you!
During these intervening decades, I only dreamed that such a recording existed. I enjoyed hearing Walter showcase 11TOW tunes at Steely Dan shows -- "My Waterloo" at Century Hall, Nagoya, on Oct. 12, 1996, stands out -- but, frankly, I never thought those performances captured the album's vibe and they didn't enchant me as I thought they might. (Also, I was nonplussed/angry when people got up to take piss breaks or make beer runs when Walter sang a solo tune at amphitheater gigs. Yet another reason for my dislike of outdoor shows.)
Anyway, thank you! More, please, more!
Thanks! This song really translates well live. Great energy. And how about that whistle break??? I really like what John Beasley did on the Rhodes during that part to differentiate it from the more percussive groove he played in the majority of the song.
Oh man! What a joy to hear this again. The sound quality is absolutely phenomenal on this recording!! It brought me back to that unforgettable night, dancing by myself, standing right in front of Walter as he was singing and feeling like I was just floating. The whole night was like a dream. The unfortunate part is that I really thought this gig would be the start of a whole new thing for him, touring and what-not by himself. But, 'twas not to be. The incredible quality of this recording makes me long for having the full show in all its glory, to hear from beginning to end, as it was that night. That will be the real souvenir for me, hopefully someday. And by the way I would pay for that! I would buy a CD of it and put it right into my physical collection where it belongs. Thank you so much D-Mod for this memory!