movie: matt kerns
They had so much fun -- Walter, the Lost Tribe guys, Beas, Dean, Rog, Dave, Bob...
Here Walter started one of his monologues -- The Prison Story I guess we'd call it -- Beas started some mood music (did Adam join in?), and someone flipped the 'record' switch.
The picture; just a few from books of Polaroids.

Hello, Hello !
No way of knowing if anyone will ever read this but I thought that perhaps I could offer some insight on this topic..
If you can't tell, Walter is in the studio, listening to the playback of a New Album.. While the music is playing in his headphones his mind is Active, his ideas are spilling out.. Sometimes he will sing along to a completely different song, sometimes to this one.. It often gets crazy during the recording process and all of the musicians have to find a way to deal with the pressure.. One of Walter's favorite pass times while listening to playbacks, especially in the early stages of recording, was to assume the identity of a Fictional character that he was carrying in his head.. Often times he would just take off with this character, and become that person.. That appears to be the case with this story.. Walter has become the character of this story.. It's happened time and time again during the recording process, and we're listening to Walter's mind at work.. He's become the character that is now speaking.. Give a listen.. It's a lot of fun ! Lary
You know what? This thread should be in the "Rarities and Unreleased" category...I don't know what I was thinking when I put it in the "Everything Else" section. Perhaps because it was spoken word vs song? Sorry guys...I'm going to relocate this thread in amongst the other heretofore unreleased material
Stevieg: a few comments from others who were at that show over at the "3 Sisters Live" thread.
At least I got to see him and his band at Slim's, San Francisco, during the 11 Tracks of Whack tour.
I miss the man...
probably 93, when the Lost Tribe guys and Roger and Beasley and Dean were making "Whack" with him in his Maui studio
So cool. What year was this recorded?
That was really funny! Almost reminded me of Morgan Freeman's narration in Shawshank. The tone of it, anyway. Best part for me is the last minute or so when WB gets back to reality and is just scat singing or doing some kind of sound check. "Can't hear the drums in these headphones Rog" LOL
I have absolutely no idea what I just listened to, and I love it!
Love the picture of Walter crackin' up laughing!