And just like that, another great Walter tune leaves the proverbial nest, and flies straight into my well-sculpted receptors.
Walter's metaphor as love game is always on point. The metaphor of a game of chance occurs in several places, notably in Hard Up Case ("They dealt us houses full with the queens and kings/And now they're calling out our bluff/'cause you and me girl we had everything/But it just wasn't quite enough"). Here, the metaphor is love—or at the very least ostensibly loving relationships—as war. Makes sense, the two situations in Lyly told us "all's fair." The French have a phrase (and wouldn't they just) c'est la guerre, that translates literally to "that's war," but means "That's just the way it is." It would be clever of me to make that observation, had Walter not already included it in his song here, because of course he's that clever and that kind of a lyricist, even in the tracks we aren't hearing until now.
War Baby Walter Becker © 1994/2019 Zeon Music LLC
Can this really be all that we came together for
Battling dawn to dusk and fighting door to door
When we call a truce girl now I come to see
Maybe this is the righteous struggle you believe your life should be
And when I try to speak, talk to you like a friend There goes those dominos all tumbling down again Just tell me what to do, show me where to sign When do I get to be on your side of the firing line Now War Baby We’ve been fighting right along But soon you got to see I'm not the enemy No I'm not girl War Baby Now I'm not saying that it's wrong Just to be dissin' you But I keep missing you Why is that now? Well I guess you disagree with something I just said Judging by that suede cruise missile hurtling past my head So now you make your last stand on the soggy higher ground Wet with the blood of the martyrs or is that the tears of the clowns You wiped our little noses, sent us on our wicked ways Full bore for the killing floor which is where we are today Still you stand so tall big ideals and all
And me just waiting for the other high heeled shoe to fall Now War Baby All your reasons and your rhymes
Don't appeal to me
They're not real to me
No they're not now
War Baby
You know the life you've lived so far
Is no great tragedy
That's all history
That's all that is
I guess you got your reasons no matter what I might say
All's fair c'est la guerre sometimes it just be that way I say viva la struggle I say viva el good fight
But can't the revolución keep until tomorrow night now? War Baby Now can't you separate yourself From that party line It's no friend of mine Not at all girl War Baby We've been going low so long The things you say to me That's an atrocity Yes it is girl War Baby
Playing oblivious to the tension of the rhetoric, I would like to indeed comment on that which many have asked "HOW ABOUT?", to whit, 2:31 is heard Bb0 - the lowest pitch I know of in the WB/Dan catalog. Synth of course, in other words a half step below the low B of a 5-string bass. Counterexamples, anyone?